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In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Household Information: Birth dates, Employment and Education/School info

Economic Profile: Household income, Assets, and Debts
Documents: Paystubs, Bank Statements, W-2 of all household members that earn income


Click the "Save my progress and resume later" link at the top of any page. You'll be prompted to submit an an email and password. Afterwards you'll receive an email with a link that can be used later to open the application and continue working. When you return to complete the form, you will need to provide the same email and password.

Tip: If your internet connection is inconsistent, save your progress as you go.


All required fields must be filled. Any left blank will be highlighted in red when you attempt to submit. Once your application is submitted, your service coordinator will respond within 3-5 business days to discuss your eligibility and next steps.

Applications will not be reviewed unless the Client Profile is complete and all requested documents are provided.

1. Client Information 

Hold CTRL or Command to select multiple values

Primary Applicant



Do not use the dash symbols. Just enter numbers.



Do not use the dash symbols. Just enter numbers.

2. Household Information 
Household Information

Hold CTRL or Command to select multiple values

Additional Household Member #1

Additional Household Member #1 Employment / Income Information

Additional Household Member #2

Additional Household Member #2 Employment / Income Information

Additional Household Member #3

Additional Household Member #3 Employment / Income Information

Additional Household Member #4

Additional Household Member #4 Employment / Income Information

Additional Household Member #5

*If you still have additional household members please notify the organization in your next meeting.
Additional Household Member #5 Employment / Income Information

3. Economic Profile 

Supply each income source the Applicant receives. Sources of income include earned income from employment as well as benefits, social security and child support.
Applicant Primary Income Source

Hold CTRL or Command to select multiple values

Additional Applicant Employment / Income #2 

Additional Applicant Employment / Income #3 


Supply each income source the Co-Applicant receives. Sources of income include earned income from employment as well as benefits, social security and child support.

Co-Applicant Primary Income Source

Hold CTRL or Command to select multiple values

Additional Co-Applicant Employment / Income #2 

Additional Co-Applicant Employment / Income #3 



Please list the current the value of all household Assets. Please enter numbers without dollar signs. If zero, enter "0".

Please list all household Debts. Please enter numbers without dollar signs. If zero, enter "0".

I certify that the information above is true and correct to my knowledge:

4. Homeownership Goals 

To select multiple answers, hold the CTRL key (PC) or Command key (Mac) as you click.

Please enter the number without a dollar sign.

Client Documents

Please attach the following documents as part of your application.
(File Types Accepted: .bmp .gif .jpg. jpeg. png. tif .qtf .doc .docx .xls .xlsx .pdf )
* All attached files may not exceed 35 MB

Agency Disclosure Statement Housing Counseling Consent Form

Community Development Corporation of Utah (CDCU) strengthens our communities by empowering all Utahns through access to affordable housing and financial security.

CDCU offers a variety of different programs and services to fulfill its mission. These programs and services are offered regardless of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status. We administer services in conformity with local, state, and federal antidiscrimination laws, including the federal Fair Housing Act.

CDCU provides the following HUD-approved programs and services in accordance with HUD guidelines:
- Financial Management/Budget Counseling 
- Financial, Budgeting, and Credit Workshops
- Pre-purchase Counseling 
- Pre-purchase Homebuyer Education Workshops
- Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling 
- Home Improvement & Rehabilitation Counseling

CDCU also offers the following services:
- Owner-occupant Loan program
- Down Payment Assistance programs
- Home Sales programs
- Mortgage Lending Services
- Real Estate Representation

Funding Disclosure
CDCU is funded through a variety of sources, including congressionally appropriated funds through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), NeighborWorks’ Project Reinvest: Financial Capability program, the United States Treasury, local municipalities, and banks, as well as other public and private organizations including foundations and individuals. CDCU currently receives financial compensation for clients that participate in Framework’s online
Homeownership Education course.

CDCU Code of Conduct
No CDCU employee, officer, director, contractor, volunteer, or agent shall undertake any action that might result in, or create the appearance of, administering services for personal or private gain, providing preferential treatment for any person or organization, or engaging in conduct that would compromise CDCU’s compliance with federal regulations or our commitment to serving the best interests of our clients.

Utilization of Services
CDCU provides information about numerous loan products and housing programs, and may refer Client to other agencies for assistance. Client acknowledges that CDCU cannot guarantee Client’s eligibility for any program and Client cannot expect to receive any assistance from any program until Client has been approved by the provider. Implementation of any suggestions or information received, participation in programs, and utilization of services provided by CDCU or its partners is the Client’s responsibility. Participation in any of CDCU’s programs does not obligate Client to participate, receive, purchase or utilize any other services offered by CDCU or its partners or funders.

Client acknowledges that if CDCU provides housing and financial counseling/coaching services, Client will receive a written action plan consisting of recommendations for handling Client’s financial and housing situation. Client understands that the quality of the action plan is dependent on the accuracy of the information that Client provides and that errors in factual information may seriously affect the projected outcomes discussed in counseling. Likewise, any change in Client’s personal situation may significantly change the potential for success of the decisions Client makes pursuant to the action plan.

CDCU reserves the right to terminate services at any time if it is determined that Client does not qualify for the programs that CDCU offers, if Client’s needs cannot be met by said programs, or if a respectful and professional relationship is not maintained. CDCU does not tolerate verbal abuse or harassment. Client may also terminate services at any time.

Client acknowledges that information received from CDCU about real estate, taxes, bankruptcy, foreclosure and other legal matters is only general information, not legal advice. In the event legal advice is needed or desired, Client agrees to consult an attorney or request a referral for legal assistance. Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless CDCU and their subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, permitted assigns, officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any and all damages, third party claims, demands, actions or causes of action, liabilities, expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of any services, opportunities or information offered by CDCU, its partners and funders.

Release of Information
Client hereby grants permission for CDCU to share Client’s personal information that may be reviewed by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Housing Partnership Network and/or NeighborWorks America Data Collection System and/or their agents for tracking or reporting purposes. Client also agrees, upon request, to provide follow-up information to CDCU for the purposes of program evaluation, monitoring, and compliance.

By signing below, Client acknowledges having received and read this Agency Disclosure Statement and Housing Counseling Consent Form and CDCU’s Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy and Practices

We at Community Development Corporation of Utah (CDCU) value your trust and are committed to the responsible management, use, and protection of your personal information. This notice describes our policy regarding the collection and disclosure of personal information. “Personal Information” or “non-public personal information”, as used in this notice, means information that identifies an individual personally and is not otherwise publicly available. It includes personal financial information such as credit history, income, social security number, and
other specific information you have provided us.

Information We Collect
We collect non-public personal information, including:
  • Information we receive from you verbally, or on applications or other forms
  • Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others
  • Information we receive from consumer reporting agencies
  • Information we receive from personal and employment references
Information We Disclose
We may disclose the following kinds of non-public personal information about you:
  • Information we receive from you on applications or other forms, such as your name, address, social security number, employer, occupation, assets, debts, and income
  • Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others, such as parties to your transactions, your account balances, and your payment history 
  • Information we receive from consumer reporting agencies, such as your credit bureau reports, credit history, and credit worthiness

To Whom We Disclose Information
We may disclose some or all of your non-public personal information to the following types of nonaffiliated third parties to provide program services to you:
  • Creditors or other third parties where we have determined that it would be helpful to you or would aid us in counseling or otherwise assisting you
  • Others (such as non-profit organizations or funding partners that make our services possible) as required for the purpose of review, auditing, research, and oversight
  • We may also disclose personal information about you to anyone as permitted or required by law.
You have the opportunity to “opt-out” of certain disclosures (direct us to not make those disclosures)by informing CDCU of your decision in writing.

Confidentiality and Security
Within the organization, we restrict access to non-public, personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide services to you and to help them do their jobs, including financial or housing counseling, loan underwriting, loan servicing, or aiding you in obtaining a loan from others. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to protect your nonpublic personal information. We do not share non-public personal information with any non-affiliated third parties for the purpose of making sales calls or marketing products or services to you. 

Emails and Updates

By signing below, you acknowledge that you have received and read this disclosure notice.

First-Time Homebuyer Certification

According to HUD's definition of a first-time homebuyer, found under Title 24 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR), a first-time homebuyer is an individual who meets any of the following criteria:
  • An individual who has had no ownership in a principal residence during the 3-year period ending on the date of purchase of the property. This includes a spouse (if either meets the above test, they are considered first-time homebuyers).
  • A single parent who has only owned with a former spouse while married.
  • An individual who is a displaced homemaker and has only owned with a spouse.
  • An individual who has only owned a principal residence not permanently affixed to a permanent foundation in accordance with applicable regulations.
  • An individual who has only owned a property that was not in compliance with state, local or model building codes and which cannot be brought into compliance for less than the cost of constructing a permanent structure.

I certify under penalty of perjury that I am a first-time homebuyer according to the aforementioned
criteria. I understand that false or misleading information provided by me may cause this application to be denied.

WARNING: Section 1001 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code making it a criminal offense to make willful false
statements or misrepresentations to any department or agency of the U.S. as to any matter within its

Authorization to Pull Credit

By signing below, I/we authorize Community Development Corporation of Utah (CDCU) to (check all that apply):

Pull my credit report as a soft inquiry for the purpose of financial counseling, credit counseling, home purchase counseling and/or foreclosure prevention counseling services. I understand that this inquiry will NOT affect my credit score.

Pull my credit report as a hard inquiry to review my credit file in connection with my pursuit of a loan to purchase real property and/or down payment assistance program administered by CDCU. I understand that this inquiry MAY affect my credit score.

I would like more information before agreeing to any of the above credit report selections.

There is no charge for CDCU to pull a credit report. Applicant(s) understand and authorize CDCU to obtain information regarding outstanding credit accounts (mortgages, auto loans, personal loans, charge cards, etc.) I/we understand that this authorization does not commit me/us to obtain a mortgage loan from CDCU.

CDCU has a contract with a third party in order to pull credit reports. CDCU does not guarantee that accuracy, validity, or completeness of the credit report provided.